sorry song - Lyrics & sheet-Music

Noongar translation with Walyalup Waangkan:


If we can now say that we’re sorry
To the people from this land

They cry, they cry, their children were stolen
They still wonder why

Sing, sing loud, break through the silence
Sing sorry across this land

We cry, we cry, their children were stolen
Now no-one knows why

Sing, sing loud, break through the silence
Sing sorry across this land

We sing with our hearts, respect for each and everyone,
Together with hope burning strong.

Sing, sing loud, we’ve broken the silence,
Let ‘sorry’ start healing our land.

Dima, dima warangka, Ngalak bedik djakaroong
Nyorn ngalang boodja walyaniny.

Sheet Music

Download the lyrics.
Download the sheet music for the Melody version.
Download the sheet music for the Solo Voice + SATB Choir Version.

All lyrics and music by Kerry Fletcher © ABC Music Publishing 2007. All rights reserved.
Thanks to my friend Philip Griffin for preparing the manuscripts.